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BRA: Filing Schema Available for Download

BRA: Filing Schema Available for Download

The Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) is advising all employers that the facilities for filing web forms and uploading files to the Authority’s database are ready for use. The updated XML Schema for 2017 filing is available for download from the Authority’s website

Carolyn Williams-Gayle, manager, communications and PR, BRA shared that it is necessary for third party providers to use the updated schema before uploading files. 

“The Authority is ready for persons to start uploading their TD5 slips and Goods and Service forms. Amendments have been made to the Schema for 2017 filing and third-party information providers would need to download this version from our website,” she explained. 

Third-party providers are required to file the relevant web forms and upload required statements or files to report amounts paid to all resident persons or entities during the 2017 income year. 

Third party information providers include persons who for the supply of goods or services have made payments to resident independent contractors including accountants, attorneys, computer programmers, system designers and analysts, air-conditioning and refrigerator technicians, auto mechanics, builders and/or contractors, carpenters, freighters and custom brokers.                                             

Third party information providers are also any employers who have paid remuneration including salaries or wages and other benefits to their employees; all financial institutions and other agencies who have made payments to resident persons in respect of interest, dividends, royalties, after tax branch profits and all partnerships, joint ventures or estates from which divided income was paid to the partners. 

Additionally, payments made towards registered charities and all institutions which received subscriptions to registered trade unions and are expected to file the relevant information forms and their corresponding summary statements to the Revenue Commissioner.